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Postgres : Complex Multiple Update query for one to many relationship

My Db looks like this


  • A user can have multiple Books
  • Basic one to many relationship

Lets suppose if a user updates preexisting book and adds more books too, How would i go about making a query for that ?

I did some research and came to the conclusion that either cte or function would come to my rescue.

My request body ( JSON ) data FOR PATCH QUERY would look like this

   // user data
      user_id: 1,
      name : 'Ryan',
      books : [
        book_id : 1,
        stock : 500
        book_id : 2,
        stock : 500
        // this book should be added to the users_books table
        name: 'My new book 1',
        stock : 500



The postgresql update queries for the above data should look like ->

UPDATE users_books(stock) VALUES(500) WHERE user_id = 1 AND book_id 1;
UPDATE users_books(stock) VALUES(500) WHERE user_id = 1 AND book_id 2;
INSERT INTO users_books(user_id,book_id,stock) VALUES(1,3,500);

So looking at the structure above , i need the books_users table to updated accordingly.

My current understanding is pass the books object as jsonb to postgresql's function. Then loop through it while updating / adding books accordingly. I'm not sure how would i go about knowing whether user already has a book or not.

How would you guys transform this request body into the aforementioned complex update query ? And would doing this in a function be transactional at all?


  • You can do this all in one statement, but it would be better to have some unique constraints to prevent it from doing something bad. users_books(book_id, user_id) should be unique and books(name) should be unique.

    Here's the fiddle

    Here's the important part:

    -- The test data
    with data(d) as (VALUES ('
          "user_id": 1,
          "name" : "Ryan",
          "books" : [
            "book_id" : 1,
            "stock" : 500
            "book_id" : 2,
            "stock" : 500
            "name": "My new book 1",
            "stock" : 500
    -- Parse the json to get user_id, book_id, stock, and name for each book
    ), normalized_data as (
        select (d ->> 'user_id')::int as user_id,
           book_id, stock, name
        FROM data
        JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM jsonb_to_recordset(d -> 'books') 
                        as books(book_id int, stock int, name text)
        ) sub ON TRUE
    -- Update existing stock
    ), update_existing as (
      UPDATE users_books set stock = normalized_data.stock
      FROM normalized_data
      WHERE users_books.user_id = normalized_data.user_id
        AND users_books.book_id = normalized_data.book_id
        AND normalized_data.book_id IS NOT NULL
    -- insert any new books
    ), insert_new_book as (
    INSERT INTO books (name)
      SELECT name from normalized_data
      WHERE book_id IS NULL
      RETURNING id, name
    -- insert a record into users_books for new books
    INSERT INTO users_books (user_id, book_id, stock)
    SELECT user_id, id, stock
    FROM insert_new_book
    JOIN normalized_data ON =;