My Db looks like this
Lets suppose if a user updates preexisting book and adds more books too, How would i go about making a query for that ?
I did some research and came to the conclusion that either cte or function would come to my rescue.
My request body ( JSON ) data FOR PATCH QUERY would look like this
// user data
user_id: 1,
name : 'Ryan',
books : [
book_id : 1,
stock : 500
book_id : 2,
stock : 500
// this book should be added to the users_books table
name: 'My new book 1',
stock : 500
The postgresql update queries for the above data should look like ->
UPDATE users_books(stock) VALUES(500) WHERE user_id = 1 AND book_id 1;
UPDATE users_books(stock) VALUES(500) WHERE user_id = 1 AND book_id 2;
INSERT INTO users_books(user_id,book_id,stock) VALUES(1,3,500);
So looking at the structure above , i need the books_users table to updated accordingly.
My current understanding is pass the books object as jsonb to postgresql's function. Then loop through it while updating / adding books accordingly. I'm not sure how would i go about knowing whether user already has a book or not.
How would you guys transform this request body into the aforementioned complex update query ? And would doing this in a function be transactional at all?
You can do this all in one statement, but it would be better to have some unique constraints to prevent it from doing something bad. users_books(book_id, user_id) should be unique and books(name) should be unique.
Here's the fiddle
Here's the important part:
-- The test data
with data(d) as (VALUES ('
"user_id": 1,
"name" : "Ryan",
"books" : [
"book_id" : 1,
"stock" : 500
"book_id" : 2,
"stock" : 500
"name": "My new book 1",
"stock" : 500
-- Parse the json to get user_id, book_id, stock, and name for each book
), normalized_data as (
select (d ->> 'user_id')::int as user_id,
book_id, stock, name
FROM data
JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM jsonb_to_recordset(d -> 'books')
as books(book_id int, stock int, name text)
) sub ON TRUE
-- Update existing stock
), update_existing as (
UPDATE users_books set stock = normalized_data.stock
FROM normalized_data
WHERE users_books.user_id = normalized_data.user_id
AND users_books.book_id = normalized_data.book_id
AND normalized_data.book_id IS NOT NULL
-- insert any new books
), insert_new_book as (
INSERT INTO books (name)
SELECT name from normalized_data
RETURNING id, name
-- insert a record into users_books for new books
INSERT INTO users_books (user_id, book_id, stock)
SELECT user_id, id, stock
FROM insert_new_book
JOIN normalized_data ON =;