I have a MediaWiki 1.33.0 website in Hebrew. Some of the articles in my website are summarized introduction-level articles that should make it easier to later read larger more complex articles with the same name and topic on Hebrew Wikipedia.
Sometimes I desire to link to a Hebrew Wikipedia articles from my own MediaWiki website; for example; I desire to quickly reference the reader to articles by given names on Hebrew Wikipedia by template, instead copy-pasting each article's link from Hebrew Wikipedia itself.
<a href="https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/{{urlencode:{{{1}}}|PATH}}">{{{1}}}</a><noinclude>
{{וה|קרח (כימיה)}}
My problem is that the output of this template is very messy both in DOM and in article text; a mixture of regular language, HTML, and UTF-8 special characters:
"<a href=""
<a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A7%D7%A8%D7%97%20%28%D7%9B%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%94%29">
"">קרח (כימיה)</a>
In picture:
How could I change the template to create a clickable link with the article name that was given in call, without all redundant output?
A MediaWiki developer, Bawolff shared the correct syntax, as can be seen in this MediaWiki support desk session:
[https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/{{urlencode:{{{1}}}|PATH}} {{{1}}}]<noinclude>
Please don't upvote this question, as all credit goes to Bawolff.