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Leaflet Map code copied from View-source: not working

I was trying to use a ready Leaflet Map example, based here:

It hovers all points within 150 miles from the mouse click on the map. As you can see the link on the website works perfectly. unlike to my local file.

I copied a whole code from this example into my local file and save it as a .html code. All javascript files has been deliberately copied (however, they appear as a links, so it wasn't necessary to copy them onto my hard drive.

One file, that I had to copy was BaseBallFinal.json, including the data of all placemarks provided.

I am really confused, because the file extension .html means, that there is no php code there, so everything should be transferred easily. Unfortunately I have a blank map with clear marker once click somewhere. On the contrary the map provided under the link above features everything what I need.

Could you explain me, what is wrong in this operation? Why the var url = "BaseBallFinal.json"; is not working at all?

It looks like this part of the code affect a latter sections, being unavailable and invisible.enter image description here


  • After copy pasting the JSON via console's network you do not need to use jquery at all. Just import the GEOJSON like this:

    import json from "./BaseBallFinal.json";

    and use this code

    sites = L.geoJson(json, {
      pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
        return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
          radius: 4, //expressed in pixels circle size
          color: "red",
          stroke: true,
          weight: 7, //outline width  increased width to look like a filled circle.
          fillOpcaity: 1

    instead of

    var promise = $.getJSON(url);
        promise.then(function(data) {
            sites = L.geoJson(data, {
                pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
                    return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
                    radius: 4, //expressed in pixels circle size
                    color: "red", 
                    stroke: true,
                    weight: 7,      //outline width  increased width to look like a filled circle.
                    fillOpcaity: 1

    The rest of code remains pretty much the same. I used es6. Just for your notice I downloaded and tested it locally and it works as expected.
