I want to create unsold seat SSRS report. I have vertically align report like
Data return from stored procedure is
How to implement this design in SSRS
Assuming you cannot change your stored proc (if you can then you can do this work in there directly).
DECLARE @RowWidth int = 5
CREATE TABLE #t (GroupLabel CHAR(1), SeatLabel int)
INSERT INTO #t EXEC myStoredProc
GroupLabel, SeatLabel
, CEILING((SeatLabel -1) / @RowWidth) AS SeatRow
, (SeatLabel - 1) % @RowWidth as colGrp
If your stored proc produced 20 results, A 1-10 and B-10 then the results would be as follows.
Add a mtrix control and then group by GroupLabel and SeatRow as row groups and then add a column group on colGrp.
The final report design looks something like this (the expression is simply GroupLabel and SeatLabel concatenated. ( =Fields!GroupLabel.Value & Fields!SeatLabel.Value
And the final output looks like this
It's not 100% but with a bit of formatting it should be close enough.