I wanted to search an array which is unsorted, n times to find paticular set of values less than a given number other than array elements. So is it better to sort and then do a binary search n times or to linear search in unsorted array
If n is small you have a performance advantage to search in an unordered array:
n = small
Sorting: Zero time (0)
Searching: Linear time (n)
Sum: Linear time (n)
n = big
Sorting: Zero time (0)
Searching: Quadratic time (n²)
Sum: Quadratic time (n²)
If n is big better sort the array before and then do binary search:
n = small
Sorting: Linearithmic time (n log n)
Searching: Logarithmic time (log n)
Sum: Linearithmic time (n log n)
n = big
Sorting: Linearitmnic time (n log n)
Searching: Linearithmic time (n log n)
Sum: Linearithmic time (n log n)
I can't tell you where is the tipping point but you can do some experiments. ;)