I am using the BlackFriday.csv dataset. Below is an excerpt from it.
User_ID Gender Age City_Category Purchase
0 1000001 1 0 1 8370
1 1000001 1 0 1 15200
2 1000001 1 0 1 1422
3 1000001 1 0 1 1057
4 1000003 0 2 1 15227
5 1000004 0 4 2 19215
6 1000004 0 4 2 15854
7 1000004 0 4 2 15686
8 1000005 0 2 1 5254
11 1000005 0 2 1 15665
12 1000006 1 5 1 2079
13 1000006 1 5 1 13055
14 1000006 1 5 1 8851
15 1000007 0 3 2 11788
16 1000008 0 2 0 8584
I want to know how to calculate the probability of a customer belonging to
City_Category = 2
You can use:
Output df2:
0 14.285714
1 57.142857
2 28.571429