The complete lack of examples for how to use lightweight MEF2, System.Composition, makes this tricky. I am only using System.Composition
(not System.ComponentModel.Composition
I want to import parts that have metadata. I'm using attributed code. Unfortunately when I try to get the exports I get a big fat null.
The MetadataAttribute
namespace Test.ConfigurationReaders
using System;
using System.Composition;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class ExportReaderAttribute : ExportAttribute
public string Reader { get; set; }
namespace Test.ConfigurationReaders
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
[ExportReader(Reader = "CONFIG")]
public class ConfigReader : IConfigurationReader
public IEnumerable<Feature> ReadAll()
return new List<Feature>();
and filter on metadata:
namespace Test.Core
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Composition;
using System.Composition.Hosting;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using ConfigurationReaders;
public sealed class Test
static Test()
new Test();
private Test()
Reader = SetReader();
private static IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IConfigurationReader, ExportReaderAttribute>> Readers { get; set; }
public static IConfigurationReader Reader { get; private set; }
private static IConfigurationReader SetReader()
// set the configuation reader based on an AppSetting.
var source =
?? "CONFIG";
var readers = Readers.ToList();
var reader =
f =>
return reader;
private void SetImports()
var configuration =
new ContainerConfiguration().WithAssemblies(
new List<Assembly> {
typeof(IConfigurationReader).Assembly });
var container = configuration.CreateContainer();
Readers = container.GetExports<ExportFactory<IConfigurationReader, ExportReaderAttribute>>();
is, unfortunately, null. This is example code here but I can see parts that don't have metadata in my actual code so that at least is working.
What should I do to populate Readers
I'm trying to target .NET Standard 2.0 and use it from .NET Core.
The solution is to change the attributes for the exported class:
[ExportMetadata("Reader", "CONFIG")]
public class ConfigReader : IConfigurationReader