Use of my simple function causes app to exit all the nested Using blocks and returns control to very outer End Using statement. But built-in function works fine. How to bypass this strange situation?
Public Shared ReadOnly GlobalSettingsKeyList As New HashSet(Of String)
Public Shared Function IsGlobalSetting(key As String) As Boolean
Return GlobalSettingsKeyList.Contains(key)
End Function
What doesn't work:
Using db = powerEntities.Open()
dim userID = 1
dim dbSettingsFound = (From setting In db.SETTINGS
Where setting.idUsers = If(IsGlobalSetting(setting.Name), Nothing, userID)
Where setting.Name.Contains(keyToMatch)) _
.ToDictionary(Function(x) x.Name, Function(y) y.Value)
End Using
What works fine:
Using db = powerEntities.Open()
dim userID = 1
dim dbSettingsFound = (From setting In db.SETTINGS
Where setting.idUsers = If(GlobalSettingsKeyList.Contains(setting.Name), Nothing, userID)
Where setting.Name.Contains(keyToMatch)) _
.ToDictionary(Function(x) x.Name, Function(y) y.Value)
End Using
{"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean IsGlobalSetting(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."}
Done! Thanks to Jarekczek's answer here and his LinqExprHelper
So there is a way!
Private Shared Function GetDefaultKey(key As String) As String
If key.Contains("Station") Then
Return $"default{key.Substring("Station")}" 'my String Extension
Return $"default{key}"
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function GetDefaultKeyAndCompareSetting(ByVal key As String) As Expression(Of Func(Of Settings, Boolean))
key = GetDefaultKey(key)
Return LinqExprHelper.NewExpr(Function(u As Settings) u.Name.Equals(key))
End Function
used like this...
Shared Sub Example(key As String)
Dim masterExpr = LinqExprHelper.NewExpr(Function(u As Settings, ByVal formatCompare As String) (formatCompare))
Dim isSameAsDefKey = masterExpr.ReplacePar("formatCompare", GetDefaultKeyAndCompareSetting(key).Body)
Dim result = (From def In db.Settings
Where def.idUsers Is Nothing).
Where(CType(isSameAsDefKey, Expression(Of Func(Of Settings, Boolean)))).FirstOrDefault
End Sub like a charm