I am learning Coq right now and in a larger proof I have become stumped by the following sub-proof:
Theorem sub : ∀ n m : nat, n ≤ m → n ≠ m → n < m.
Or, once unfolded:
Theorem sub : ∀ n m : nat, n ≤ m → n ≠ m → S n ≤ m.
Here, "n ≤ m" is inductively defined as follows:
Inductive le : nat → nat → Prop :=
| le_n : ∀ n : nat, le n n
| le_S : ∀ n m : nat, (le n m) → (le n (S m)).
I have not gotten very far, but my attempt looks like this:
Theorem sub : ∀ n m : nat, n ≤ m → n ≠ m → n < m.
unfold lt.
intro n.
induction n.
- induction m.
+ intros. exfalso. contradiction.
+ admit.
- admit.
In the first inductive step (marked by the first admit), the inductive hypothesis shows the following :
1 subgoal
m : nat
IHm : 0 ≤ m → 0 ≠ m → 1 ≤ m
0 ≤ S m → 0 ≠ S m → 1 ≤ S m
I am not sure how I can leverage this hypothesis to prove the subgoal. I would appreciate any guidance in the right direction.
Since le
is defined as an inductive predicate, it makes more sense to do the induction on that, rather than n
. le
doesn't make any references to 0
or even S n
(it does have S m
), so induction on n
is probably not the way to go. Induction on m
might work, but it's probably harder than necessary.
Before starting a formal proof, it can often be helpful to think about how you would prove this informally (still using the same definitions, though). If you assume that n ≤ m
, then by the inductive definition of lt
, this means that either n
and m
are the same, or m
is the successor of some number m'
and n
is less than or equal to m'
(can you see why the definition of lt
implies this?). In the first case, we'll have to use the additional hypothesis that n ≠ m
to derive a contradiction. In the second case, we won't even need that. n ≤ m'
implies that S n ≤ S m'
, so since m = S m'
, S n ≤ m
, i.e., n < m
For the formalization, we'll have to prove that assumption on the last line that n ≤ m
implies S n ≤ S m
. You should try a similar informal analysis to prove it. Other than that, the informal proof should be straightforward to formalize. Case analysis on H: n ≤ m
is just destruct H.
One more thing. This isn't essential, but can often help in the long run. When defining an inductive type (or predicate), if you can factor out a parameter that's used the same way in each constructor, it can make the induction principle more powerful. The way you have it with le
, n
is universally quantified and used the same way for both constructors. Every instance of le
starts with le n
Inductive le : nat → nat → Prop :=
| le_n : ∀ n : nat, le n n
| le_S : ∀ n m : nat, (le n m) → (le n (S m)).
That means that we can factor out that index into a parameter.
Inductive le' (n: nat) : nat → Prop :=
| le_n' : le' n n
| le_S' : ∀ m : nat, (le' n m) → (le' n (S m)).
This gives you a slightly simpler/better induction principle.
: forall (n : nat) (P : nat -> Prop),
P n ->
(forall m : nat, le' n m -> P m -> P (S m)) ->
forall n0 : nat, le' n n0 -> P n0
Compare this to le_ind
: forall P : nat -> nat -> Prop,
(forall n : nat, P n n) ->
(forall n m : nat, le n m -> P n m -> P n (S m)) ->
forall n n0 : nat, le n n0 -> P n n0
Basically what's happening here is that with le_ind
, you have to prove everything for every n
. With le'_ind
, you only need to prove it for the particular n
that you're using. This can sometimes simplify proofs, though it's not necessary for the proof of your theorem. It's a good exercise to prove that these two predicates are equivalent.