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Flink: job fails when one TaskManager is OOM?

I was running the Flink 1.8 WordCount example job on Kubernetes, I noticed a behavior. Sometimes, a TaskManager pod gets OOMKilled and restarted (it is not a concern for now) but the whole job fails, the JobManager log shows The assigned slot XXX was removed.

My question is, why does the whole job fail? Is there a way that I can configure Flink to make the job more tolerant to transient TaskManager failures?


  • Apache Flink's fault tolerance mechanism is based on periodic checkpoints and can guarantee exactly-once state consistency, i.e., after recovering from a failure, the state is consistent and the same as if the failure never happened (assuming deterministic application logic of course).

    In order to achieve this, Flink takes consistent snapshots of the application's state (so-called checkpoints) in regular intervals. In case of a failure, the whole application is reset to the latest competed checkpoint. For that, Flink (until Flink 1.8) always restarts the whole application. A failure is any reason that terminates a worker process, including application failure, JVM OOM, killed container, hardware failure, etc.

    In Flink 1.9 (released a week ago, see announcement), Flink adds so-called failover regions (see here), which can reduce the number restarted tasks. For continuous streaming applications, this only applies if the application does not have a shuffle (keyBy, broadcast, partition, ...) operation. In that case, only the affected pipeline is restarted and all other pipelines continue processing data.