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RobotFramework RIDE cannot import library

I have a file right here: Library ../../MyLib/, and I try to import the python file in RIDE, but RIDE still report "FAIL : No keyword with name '****' found", and this keyword is defined in the, seems RIDE cannot find the python file.

I using python 2.7.8+Robot Framework 3.1.2+windows server 2012r2. I even selected Library -> Name -> Browse in RIDE, but the error still there and this whole robot test case folder is copied from another server which is working fine

Can anyone suggest what have I missed?


  • Ah! I have worked this out, if anyone else meets the same issue, you can click Tools->view RIDE Log, to see what's happening there. For my case, it's because I didn't install thrift but the obviously used thrift module, so the compile failed with "No module named thrift.Thrift".