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How to launch a loadtest run from command line in powershell?

I need to be able to launch a loadtest run using powershell

Currently, using below code

$test = "D:\LPT\abc.loadtest"
$fs = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
$f = $fs.GetFile("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\mstest.exe")
$mstestPath = $f.shortpath   
$arguments = " /testcontainer:" + $test + " /testsettings:D:\LPT\RemoteExecution.testsettings" + " /resultsfile:D:\LPT\TestResults\Results.trx"

Invoke-Expression "$mstestPath $arguments" 

after running this, in the ps console it shows Loading

Starting execution...

But in Visual studio, in test results

enter image description here

It is shown this way with a failure. Is there a way to run loadtest using powershell + cmd line successfully ?

using VS2017, PS4


  • Initially I read somewhere that adding this would be helpful:


    After adding this the code ran fine, the loadtest started running but still i kept getting the error

    "Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module log4net directly or indirectly referenced by the test container 'd:\lpt\bin\release\YYY.dll"

    I think the issue mainly was with how the arguments were passed. A colleague suggested that the $Arguments is a very sensitive variable to be passing and that it should be written carefully

    Then the arguments were written more properly & $Arguments was changed to this, and the [DeploymentItem] was removed, but even without this code snippet the below code works:

    Launching LoadTest using Invoke-Expression

    $FileSystem = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
    $File = $FileSystem.GetFile( $MsTestPath )
    $MsTestPath = $File.shortpath
    $Arguments = "/testcontainer:$TestMethodPath /testsettings:$TS /resultsfile:$Res"            
    Invoke-Expression "$MsTestPath $Arguments" 

    Finally, a better way to track the loadtest from the start to the end is by using Start-Process, so the below code worked perfectly for me and returns 0 if the loadtest run is successful or any other value if any issue occurs:

    Launching LoadTest using Start-Process

    $FileSystem = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
    $File = $FileSystem.GetFile( $MsTestExePath )
    $MsTestPath = $File.shortpath
    $Arguments = "/testcontainer:$TestMethodPath /testsettings:$TestSettingsPath /resultsfile:$ResultsFile"
    $Result = ( Start-Process $MsTestExePath -ArgumentList $Arguments -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru )
    $Result.ExitCode - provides pass/fail info