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I'm confused, the docs for the IOCTL don't say anything.

The docs for fsutil say:

- 0x01: Enables general repair.
- 0x09: Warns about potential data loss without repair.
- 0x00: Disables NTFS self-healing repair operations.

The fsutil program itself says:

Values: 0x1 - Enable general repair.
        0x9 - Enable repair and warn about potential data loss.
        0x10 - Disable repair and bugcheck once on first corruption.

So which one is correct? Does 9 do repair and issue message or does it not do a repair an only issue a message?



  • Take a look at the following MSDN page.

    It is apparent that being warned of errors requires that self-healing be turned on to begin with. Keep in mind that 9 is 8|1.