std::vector<double> u, v;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < u.size(); ++i)
u[i] += v[i];
To express similar code with the C++17 parallel algorithms, the solution I found so far is to use the two input ranges version of std::transform
std::begin(u), std::end(u), std::begin(v), std::begin(u),
which I don't like at all because it bypasses the +=
operator of my types and in my real use case leads to much more verbose (4 times longer) code than the original OpenMP code (I cannot just use std::plus
because I have to first make an operation on the RHS range elements).
Is there another algorithm that I oversight?
Note also that if I use ranges::zip
the code won't run in parallel in GCC 9 because if iterator_category
is not at least forward_iterator
the PSTL back-end falls back to the sequential algorithm:
Have you tried tbb::zip_iterator (
Its iterator_category
is random_access_iterator
So the code will look like
auto zip_begin = tbb::make_zip_iterator(std::begin(u), std::begin(v));
std::for_each(par_unseq, zip_begin, zip_begin + u.size(),
[](auto &&x) { std::get<0u>(x) += std::get<1u>(x); });