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How do I mock $host.ui.PromptForChoice with Pester

Considering the below Powershell code, is there a way to mock $host.ui.PromptForChoice without the internalMenuWrapper function?

        wrap the menu so we can mock calls to it
function internalMenuWrapper {
    param (
    return = $host.ui.PromptForChoice("Waiting for user input", $prompt, [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]$options, 0)

        Create a menu with an array of choices and return the result
function Invoke-Menu($prompt, $opts) {
        $options = @()
        foreach ($opt in $opts) {
                $options += $(new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription $opt)
        $index = internalMenuWrapper $prompt $options

Describe 'Invoke-Menu' {
    Context "when called" {
        It "returns the object that was selected" {
            #mock fails
            Mock internalMenuWrapper { return 0 }
            $result = Invoke-Menu "test menu" @("pass", "fail")
            $result | Should -Be "pass"


  • As Mike Shepard points out in a comment, mocking methods isn't supported in Pester, only commands can be mocked (cmdlets, functions, aliases, external programs).

    You can work around the issue by using the Get-Host cmdlet instead of $host and mock that:

    function Invoke-Menu($prompt, $choices) {
      $choiceObjects = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] $choices
      # Use Get-Host instead of $host here; $host cannot be mocked, but Get-Host can.
      $index = (Get-Host).ui.PromptForChoice("Waiting for user input", $prompt, $choiceObjects, 0)
    Describe 'Invoke-Menu' {
      Context "when called" {
          It "returns the object that was selected" {
            # Mock Get-Host with a dummy .ui.PromptForChoice() method that instantly
            # returns 0 (the first choice).
            Mock Get-Host { 
              [pscustomobject] @{ 
                ui = Add-Member -PassThru -Name PromptForChoice -InputObject ([pscustomobject] @{}) -Type ScriptMethod -Value { return 0 }
            Invoke-Menu 'test menu'  '&pass', '&fail' | Should -Be '&pass'

    As you point out on GitHub, if the suggested Read-Choice cmdlet is ever implemented (as a PS-friendly wrapper around $host.ui.PromptForChoice()), it could be mocked directly (and there would be no custom code to test).