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ActionScript3: Changing button text

I have a button instance named Button that I have in my movie, this instance has a Dynamic Text object in it named myText, how can I change the text? I already tried Button.myText.text = "Stuff";

I get the error "Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 7 1119: Access of possibly undefined property myText through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton." When I compile.



TheButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

function onClick(Event:MouseEvent):void{
    TheButton.myText.text = "Moo";


  • You can't use the dot syntax to access a display object container's child display objects in AS3 as you did in AS2. Normally you would use the display object container's getChildByName() method to get its child display objects, but because your dealing with an instance of SimpleButton which is a subclass of DisplayObject that method doesn't exist. The simple solution is to change you button from a button to a movieclip after which the following should work:

    TheButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    function onClick(Event:MouseEvent):void
        TheButton.getChildByName("myText").text = "Moo";

    Note: the TextField display object in the TheButton display object container must have an instance name of "myText" and obviously the TheButton display object container must have an instance name of "TheButton".

    Also if your going with this approach you may want to rewrite the code as follows:

    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
    import flash.text.TextField;
    button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);
    function onButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void
        var button:DisplayObjectContainer = DisplayObjectContainer(;
        var textField:TextField = TextField(button.getChildByName("textField"));
        textField.text = "Moo";
    }// end function


    Another solution is to create a movieclip/sprite object for the SimpleButton object's upState, overState and downState properties like the following:

    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    var simpleButton:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
    var content:Sprite = new Sprite();
    draw(, 0xFF0000);
    var textField:TextField = new TextField(); = "textField";
    textField.text = "UP";
    simpleButton.upState = content;
    simpleButton.overState = content;
    simpleButton.downState = content;
    simpleButton.hitTestState = content;
    simpleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onSimpleButtonMouseOver);
    simpleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onSimpleButtonMouseDown);
    simpleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onSimpleButtonMouseOut);
    simpleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onSimpleButtonMouseUp);
    function onSimpleButtonMouseOver(e:MouseEvent):void
        var content:DisplayObjectContainer = DisplayObjectContainer(SimpleButton(;
        var textField:TextField = TextField(content.getChildByName("textField"));
        textField.text = "OVER";
        draw(, 0xC8C8C8);
    }// end function
    function onSimpleButtonMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void
        var content:DisplayObjectContainer = DisplayObjectContainer(SimpleButton(;
        var textField:TextField = TextField(content.getChildByName("textField"));
        textField.text = "DOWN";
        draw(, 0x646464);
    }// end function
    function onSimpleButtonMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void
        var content:DisplayObjectContainer = DisplayObjectContainer(SimpleButton(;
        var textField:TextField = TextField(content.getChildByName("textField"));
        textField.text = "OVER";
        draw(, 0xC8C8C8);
    }// end function
    function onSimpleButtonMouseOut(e:MouseEvent):void
        var content:DisplayObjectContainer = DisplayObjectContainer(SimpleButton(;
        var textField:TextField = TextField(content.getChildByName("textField"));
        textField.text = "UP";
        draw(, 0xFF0000);
    }// end function
    function draw(graphics:Graphics, color:uint):void
        graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
    }// end function