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How to access a public variable of subscriber class in the main function?

I want to access listener::flow_message (a public variable) which I defined in the subscriber class, in the main() function of my code. in the below code I just did a simple printing of the flow_message parameter to show the problem.

I changed the access modifiers of the flow_message to private and protected but it gets the compilation error and I found that the only way to access this variable in the main function, is to define it as public. I can get some properties like the size of the flow_message vector, in the main using the below command:


but for example, when I want to access the first member of the flow_message vector, using the below command I get the segmentation fault error.


// this is my code for subscribing the optical flow data
// using a class for subscriber callback function:


using namespace std;

class listener
     vector<opencv_apps::Flow> flow_message;
     void callback(const opencv_apps::FlowArrayStamped::ConstPtr& msg);


void listener::callback(const opencv_apps::FlowArrayStamped::ConstPtr& msg)
    listener::flow_message = msg->flow;
    ROS_INFO("i got it");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
     ros::init(argc, argv, "dataman");
     ros::NodeHandle n;
     listener list;
     ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("/lk_flow/flows", 1, &listener::callback, &list);
          cout << "this is it: " << list.flow_message[0] << endl;
     return 0;

as I mentioned before my error is in run time:

 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

thanks for any help or comment...


  • You go fetch flow_message[0] but you never add elements into the vector. If the vector is empty, then flow_message[0] don't exist.

    Too add elements in the vector, you should publish a message.

    But you also should check for elements in the vector:

    while(ros::ok()) {
        if (list.flow_message.empty()) {
            std::cout << "no messages" << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "this is it: " << list.flow_message[0] << std::endl;