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`amb` operator as macro or procedure?

In this page there is a comment after the post that gives a very short implementation of amb as a procedure:

(define (amb-backtrack)
  (error "no solution found"))

(define (amb . args)
  (call/cc (lambda (return)
             (let ((backtrack amb-backtrack))
               (map (lambda (x)
                      (call/cc (lambda (k)
                                 (set! amb-backtrack k)
                                 (return x))))
               (backtrack 'fail)))))

But I usually see amb implemented as a macro -- in the FAQ, and also in Dorai Sitaram's book:

(define amb-fail '*)

(define initialize-amb-fail
  (lambda ()
    (set! amb-fail
      (lambda ()
        (error "amb tree exhausted")))))


(define-macro amb
  (lambda alts...
    `(let ((+prev-amb-fail amb-fail))
        (lambda (+sk)

          ,@(map (lambda (alt)
                     (lambda (+fk)
                       (set! amb-fail
                         (lambda ()
                           (set! amb-fail +prev-amb-fail)
                           (+fk 'fail)))
                       (+sk ,alt))))


So -- the macro version is longer, and a little harder to understand. I could not see any advantages of it over the procedure version, and of course I would rather use a procedure than a macro. Is there anything I missed?


  • The difference is that a procedure call always evaluates all the arguments.

    (amb 1 (very-expensive-computation))

    will, with the procedure version of amb, perform the very-expensive-computation, then yield 1. If yielding 1 suffices for all further computation, then you've wasted a lot of time on a computation whose result value is never used. Even worse things happen, as @Eli Barzilay mentions in a comment, when amb is used to model an infinite non-determinism such as generating all natural numbers.

    The macro version avoids this and its behavior is therefore closer to that of non-deterministic programming languages such as Prolog.