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How to export date time as per my timezone in odoo 11?

I tried to export datetime field of Attendance but i am getting wrong date time value. It is giving UTC date time instead my my timezone datetime.

How can i resolve this issue? Please help me.


  • I just update in file of controller of Web module. You can do this in inherit the file.

    Import below package in

    from dateutil.parser import parse
    import datetime
    import pytz

    -->Update in CSVExport class for CSV. Add below code in this class.

    def check_date(self, value):
        parse_data = parse(value)
        return parse_data
    except Exception as e:
        return False

    Update from_data() function like below code.

    def from_data(self, fields, rows):
       fp = io.BytesIO()
       writer = pycompat.csv_writer(fp, quoting=1)
       for data in rows:
         row = []
         for d in data:
            if isinstance(d, pycompat.string_types) and d.startswith(('=', '-', '+')):
                d = "'" + d
            if type(d) is str:
                parse_data = self.check_date(d)
                if parse_data:
                    if len(d) > 10:
                        tz = pytz.timezone(request._context.get('tz'))
                        d = (pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(d,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')).astimezone(tz)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
      return fp.getvalue()

    -->For Excel Update below code in ExcelExportV class in datetime condition.

    elif isinstance(cell_value, datetime.datetime):
      tz = pytz.timezone(request._context.get('tz'))
      cell_value = (pytz.utc.localize(cell_value).astimezone(tz)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
      cell_style = datetime_style

    After that, restart your odoo service and check.