Please tell me how to convert GeoJSON coordinates to PostGIS coordinates suitable for a column with type Geometry? I have a table with data imported from an xml file and its coordinates in GeoJSON. I read, read - roughly understand what I need to use.
ST_SetSRID - 4326
I can get the data with such a request
SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[38.1985294,55.4073349],[38.198862,55.4068537],[38.1994716,55.4055054],[38.1996559,55.4048253],[38.1997417,55.40474],[38.2006751,55.4047278],[38.2016515,55.4049654],[38.2014634,55.4057021],[38.2025811,55.4056548],[38.2045338,55.405984],[38.2039045,55.4068781],[38.2011687,55.4084618],[38.1997954,55.4081938],[38.1985294,55.4073349]]]}'),4326);
It seems like this is what I need, but I don’t understand how to change it in the whole table.
How can I convert geodata? Geo Column geo_coordinates
And is it possible to change the column type in geometry after the conversion or do I need to create a new table and copy the data?
You should be able to just add the column and update:
ALTER TABLE your_table
ADD COLUMN geom geometry(Geometry,4326);
UPDATE your_table SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(geo_coordinates), 4326);
When that is done, you can drop the geo_coordinates column if you want. If the new column should be named geo_coordinates, you could rename it after dropping the old column.