Relatively new to PBI and need a hand with counting totals of delimited values in a single column. So my source column looks something like:
ID Code
1 abc1|bcd2
2 def2|abc1|ghi3
3 bcd2
I've created a new table based on the same query that takes just this column and splits it into individual rows by the pipe delimiter:
Individual Codes
Now I'd like to plot the number of occurences of each individual code in the original code column. I had intended on doing this using a calculated column, but I don't know if that's even the best approach. So having something like:
Codes Counts
abc1 2
bcd2 2
def2 1
ghi3 1
If it's possible to relate the tables, I'm not sure how. I've tried filter approaches similar to this but that's caused crashes. The current source data has maybe 50k rows (with 8k individual codes), but potentially these values could be 10-100x larger so I imagine it's best to avoid something that's creating filters of the source data for each row of the Individual Code table. Much appreciated!
Original Data
Then you can split Your code column into new rows using delimiter
and then you can group your rows based on Code and count rows as below
and when you come back to Visualizations you can have your desired output