I'm using SelectPDF
to convert an HTML template into a PDF. The design I'm following requires to display a footer only on the first page.
The documentation does not cover custom pages display.
Anyone tried this before?
As you can see the documentation you can create a custom HTML document, it name is footer.html. This document will contains your custom footer.
This is the initialization.
string footerUrl = Server.MapPath("~/files/footer.html");
After that you have to init the converter object and set it.
HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf();
converter.Options.DisplayFooter = true;
converter.Footer.DisplayOnFirstPage = true;
PdfHtmlSection footerHtml = new PdfHtmlSection(footerUrl);
footerHtml.AutoFitHeight = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
This piece of code create a new pdf from URL and add custom footer for the first page.
PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(@"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster");
PdfPage page = doc.Pages[0];
PdfTemplate customFooter = doc.AddTemplate(
page.PageSize.Width, 20);
PdfHtmlElement customHtml = new PdfHtmlElement(
"<div><b>This is the custom footer that will " +
"appear only on page 1!</b></div>",
page.CustomFooter = customFooter;
I hope it will help you Cheers