I create small code samples where want to show how cats library work. While I was working on the last one example, I noticed that it probably could be more elegant:
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
val storage = HashMap[Int, String]().empty
override def deleteWord(id: Int): IO[Either[String, Unit]] =
for {
removedWord <- IO(storage.remove(id))
result <- IO {
removedWord.flatMap(_ => Some(())).toRight(s"Word with $id not found")
} yield result
What is a way to rewrite the code snippet in a more concise form using cats syntax?
One of the solutions which I received in gitter cats chat:
import cats.implicits._
override def deleteWord(id: Int): IO[Either[String, Unit]] =
for {
removedWord <- IO(storage.remove(id))
result <- IO(removedWord.toRight(s"Word with $id not found").void)
} yield result
it seems exactly what I needed