I'm trying to query aws logs
in the AWS cli.
The query I tried aws logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name /aws/batch/job --region us-west-1 --order-by LastEventTime
The reply I get starts like:
I am only interested in logs where the firstEventTimestamp
is between 1566594000 and 1566853200.
Is there a way to do that, and if so how?
I couldn't find an answer at http://jmespath.org/tutorial.html.
BTW, please ignore the time discrepancy, that can be solved (either automatically or by playing with the --starting-token
If you don't use dynamics value and just want the logs between 1566594000 and 1566853200 here's the request:
logStreams[?firstEventTimestamp >= `1566594000` && firstEventTimestamp <= `1566853200`]