I'm working on an application that sends SMS to the customers we got.
I'm currently looking the doc (https://docs.ovh.com/fr/sms/envoyer_des_sms_avec_lapi_ovh_en_php/) => it's in french.
They're using a PHP Wrapper, but I really don't know how I can integrate the API to my Laravel Project.
Does someone know how it's working ?
First of all, install the package
composer require ovh/php-ovh-sms
Then, on the controller, you can use the API easily as stated in the documentation.
use \Ovh\Sms\SmsApi;
// Informations about your application
// You may set them to 'NULL' if you are using
// a configuraton file
$applicationKey = "your_app_key";
$applicationSecret = "your_app_secret";
$consumerKey = "your_consumer_key";
$endpoint = 'ovh-eu';
// Init SmsApi object
$Sms = new SmsApi( $applicationKey, $applicationSecret, $endpoint, $consumerKey );
// Get available SMS accounts
$accounts = $Sms->getAccounts();