So I have the following matlab code where I am attempting to calculate Newton's Method to solve a non-linear equation (in particular, identify the square root). I am unable to see the output of my two fprintf() statements, so I think I fundamentally misunderstand MATLAB's way of calling functions.
I feel that there is something so fundamentally basic that I missing here.
I am running this over the Matlab web application
My code is the following:
clear all
p = 81; %set to whatever value whose square root you want to find.
egFun = @ (x) x^2 - p;
egFunDer = @ (x) 2*x;
firstGuess = p;
Err = 0.00001;
imax = 20;
%% (+) function, functionDervivate, X-estimate, Error, i-Maximum (-) X-Solution
function Xsolution = NewtonRoot(Fun, FunDer, Xest, Err, imax)
for i = 1 : imax
fprintf("test %f", i)
% below is the newton's method formula in action
Xi = Xest - Fun(Xest)/FunDer(Xest)
% let Xest be replaced with our new value for X so that we can
% perform the next iteration
if(abs(0-Fun(Xi)) <= Err)
Xsolution = Xi;
Xest = Xi
Xsolution = Xi;
function answer = main
answer = NewtonRoot(egFun, egFunDer, firstGuess, Err, imax)
fprintf("the Solution is %f", answer)
I expect to see a value for answer, which should print to the console, as well as the two fprintf() statements I threw in for debugging.
You need to call NewtonRoot function in main code.
clear all
p = 81; %set to whatever value whose square root you want to find.
egFun = @ (x) x^2 - p;
egFunDer = @ (x) 2*x;
firstGuess = p;
Err = 0.00001;
imax = 20;
answer = NewtonRoot(egFun, egFunDer, firstGuess, Err, imax)
fprintf("the Solution is %f", answer)
%% (+) function, functionDervivate, X-estimate, Error, i-Maximum (-) X-Solution
function Xsolution = NewtonRoot(Fun, FunDer, Xest, Err, imax)
for i = 1 : imax
fprintf("test %f", i)
% below is the newton's method formula in action
Xi = Xest - Fun(Xest)/FunDer(Xest)
% let Xest be replaced with our new value for X so that we can
% perform the next iteration
if(abs(0-Fun(Xi)) <= Err)
Xsolution = Xi;
Xest = Xi
Xsolution = Xi;