I'm getting data in real-time from NSE(national stock exchange) through the event hub to stream analytics like the following format:
[{symbol: 'HCLTECH',
openPrice: '1,097.00',
highPrice: '1,125.00',
lowPrice: '1,092.30',
ltp: '1,122.80'},
{ symbol: 'BPCL',
openPrice: '342.00',
highPrice: '351.45',
lowPrice: '337.50',
ltp: '350.45'
as you can in json that, open price - starting price for today, ltp - current price if open price is 100 and ltp is 150 then change is 50% how can I do this for all rows, using azure stream analytics.
Division feature is not found in the Mathematical Functions,so you have to calculate it by yourself with UDF in ASA.
function main(arg1, arg2) {
var f = parseFloat((arg2-arg1)/arg1);
if (isNaN(f)) {
return '0%';
f = Math.round(f*100)/100;
return f*100+"%";
FROM input