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How do I establish communication between independent components in AngularJS

I have a Nav in which there are two pages representing two AngularJS components - Home and About. I want to pass user name from Home component to About component.

<div ng-app="myApp">
    <li><a href="#!/home">Home</a>
    <li><a href="#!/about">About</a>
  <div ng-view></div>

I tried to establish the component communication using bindings with < but no luck. Basically, they are both independent components. How do I pass data from one component to another in this scenario.

I've created a working example using CodePen. Could anyone please guide how to do it.

Components and Route Config

app.component("home", {
  template: `<h1>Home</h1>
              Hi {{$ctrl.user}}!`,
  controller: function HomeController() {
    this.user = "John.";

app.component("about", {
  template: `<h1>About</h1>`,
  controller: function AboutController() {}

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when("/home", {
      template: "<home></home>"
    .when("/about", {
      template: "<about></about>"
      redirectTo: "/home"


  • View data is destroyed when views change. Store data that needs to persist between views in a service:

    app.service("appData", function() {
        var user;
        this.setUser= val => user = val;
        this.getUser= _ => user;

    Use that service in the component controllers:

    app.component("home", {
      template: `<h1>Home</h1>
                  Hi {{$ctrl.user}}!`,
      controller: function HomeController(appData) {
        this.user = "John.";
    app.component("about", {
      template: `<h1>About</h1>`,
      controller: function AboutController(appData) {
          this.user = appData.getUser();

    For more information, see