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ASP.NET Smart Card Image

I am trying to figure out if the image on a smart card is transmitted in the Certification in the request.

I have been able to get the Subject but what about the image

var localcert = Page.Request.ClientCertificate;
 X509Certificate2 certdata = new X509Certificate2(localcert.Certificate)

enter image description here


  • This seems to be a misunderstanding.

    A PKI card contains a public and a private key (likely generated on the card), and this public key is contained in the certificate request.

    The biometric pictures (portrait and fingerprints) contain a CBEFF signature block (see chapter 9.1 of Alexanders link), so the pictures are simply signed, but typically the party collecting these data has to sign them. So another key is used and there is no relation to the card holder and the corresponding key.