I have a form (frmAddPax) to add some users data. This data could be submited manual or vía a barcode reader. When the button "Escanear" is pressed this one calls a dialog with another form (frmScan).
This form read some data from a barcode reader and this data is processed in the managed bean. The data creates an object that is used in the original form (frmAddPax).
The problem is all the form has the styling as there wasn't any data on it, all the mandatory fields have the required="true" attribute.
If I press the "Escanear" button again and scan the same data it shows the form just fine.
I think this could be because before the data is ready updated in the form the validation process happend, but as I have seen in some questions the action and actionListener events happend before the update process so I have no clue.
This is the code of the form:
<h:form id="frmAddPax"
<p:panelGrid styleClass="no-border">
value="#{label['manageVipLoungeEntrance.addPassenger.firstName']} />
<p:inputText required="true"
style="text-transform: uppercase;" converter="upperCaseConverter">
<f:ajax event="blur" update="@this" render="@this" />
<p:commandButton inmediate="true"
onclick="showLocalDate()" update=":frmScan"
oncomplete="{wgvScan.show()}" />
This is the code for the call that made the "Escanear" button:
<p:commandButton inmediate="true"
onclick="showLocalDate()" update=":frmScan"
oncomplete="{wgvScan.show()}" />
And this is the code for the widtget that process the barcode read and updates the original form with the data processed.
<p:dialog widgetVar="wgvScan" modal="true" showEffect="fade"
closeOnEscape="true" resizable="false">
<h:form id="frmScan">
<p:graphicImage value="../resources/images/barCode.png"
rendered="#{manageVipLoungeEntranceExtMB.showTablePassenger!=true}" />
<p:inputText id="itbarcode"
value="#{manageVipLoungeEntranceExtMB.barCode}" onfocus="true"
autocomplete="off" styleClass="insertData"
style="background:#ffffff; position:absolute;left:-7000;" />
<p:commandButton id="cmdReadBarcode" style="display:none"
update=":frmAddPax :growl">
<p:defaultCommand target="cmdReadBarcode" />
[EDIT] @alibttb answer get me to the solution.
I added a remoteCommand before the button that calls the dialog to listen the scanner.
<p:remoteCommand name="refreshForm" process=":frmAddPax" update=":frmAddPax" />
onclick="showLocalDate()" process="@this" update=":frmScan"
oncomplete="{wgvScan.show()}" />
And in the dialog with the form that process the barcode I added a onHide attribute calling the remoteCommand. I change the enclouse of the dialog-form to form-dialog as was sugested.
<h:form id="frmScan">
<p:dialog widgetVar="wgvScan" modal="true" showEffect="fade"
closeOnEscape="true" resizable="false" onHide="refreshForm()">
What happens when you click the Escanear button is that you are processing the whole form, thus submitting all the fields with empty values, this will cause validation errors, your button is immediate so what happens is the following:
notice that the submitted data (empty values) is not applied to the model as it's not valid.
to fix this, just use partial processing feature on your button, and remove the immediate="true", it's just a bad design.
just replace immediate="true" with process="@this" in the Escanear button.
If you're not familiar with partial processing feature of JSF and primefaces you should give it a look.
if you really need to submit the form for validation after the scan is complete then you need to use a p:remoteCommand
that submits the form after the actionListener is complete:
<p:remoteCommand name="validateForm" process="@form"/>
<p:commandButton value="#{label['manageVipLoungeEntrance.addPassenger.button.scan']}"
onclick="showLocalDate()" update=":frmScan" process="@this"
oncomplete="{wgvScan.show()}" />
and in the other form frmScan
<h:form id="frmScan">
<p:dialog widgetVar="wgvScan" modal="true" showEffect="fade"
closeOnEscape="true" resizable="false" onHide="validateForm()">
....complete your code
the name of the p:remoteCommand
becomes a javascript function that can be called back once the scan dialog is hidden.
Note bring up the dev console in your browser and watch the two requests one for updating the form and closing the dialog and the other one caused by p:remoteCommand
to validate the form.
Note 1 (not related to your question) that I used the frmScan
to enclose p:dialog
this is the right way to do it, the form should surround the dialog not the other way around.