In an AKSequencer track I add midi notes, the first is positioned at 0
trackOne?.add(noteNumber: MIDINoteNumber(64), velocity: 100, position: AKDuration(beats: 0.0), duration: AKDuration(beats: 0.5))
the note at position 0 never plays in a single run through of the sequence, but weirdly does play if it is in a loop. I have the track midi output going into a AKMidiCallBackInstrument and in the initial play, it does not register the noteOn byte it only seems to receive the note end byte.
Because the notes after the first one played I tried setting the position to 0.1 and that actually worked, maybe there is something that I need to call/activate just prior to sequence play...
Has anyone ever see anything like this before and if so how did you solve it? thanks.
I stumbled across an answer to this, I had two tracks: The first had it's midi output assigned to the midi input of a AKCallbackInstrument, the problem was that the second track wasn't assigned an output. Either removing the unassigned track or setting its midi output to the input of a callback instrument seems to have fixed it.