For a large corporate, we have designed an Azure subscription hierarchy: Subscriptions for Prod and Non-Prod, each with: - 1 VNET per subscription. - Resource groups (RG) for Tiers (Web, App, DB) - RG's have their own Subnets and NSG's.
The problem is, there are many applications. That means for example, all Production Database servers (for different applications) reside in the same Subnet in the same RG (and by default can talk to each other).
To prevent unrelated apps from talking, it has been suggested to create 1 subscription per application. That would result in increased complexity and duplication of resources, due to having 1000's of subscriptions, and VNETs and IP ranges. Is this recommended? Are there better ways to manage that?
Thanks in advance!
The way you should think of design your Azure scaffold is as below:
Azure Management Groups
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