This has got to be my head-space error in learning Firebase. All I want to do is to is get a document if it exists, based on a value it contains when I do not have the document id:
myCollection/[some id]/myField:myValue
I'm trying to use ValueChanges to iterate through the observable and see if a document exists based on the where clause. I do get the document I'm looking for, but I effectively cannot use it because when I iterate through the array in the observable, it seems to never return. I can log the item to the console, but never get to result after the loop:
var colRef: AngularFirestoreCollection<MyType>;
var obs$: Observable<MyType[]>;
colRef = this.afs.collection<MyType>('myCollection', ref => {
return ref.where('myField', '==', 'myValue');
obs$ = colRef.valueChanges();
var result = obs$.forEach(x =>
var item = x[0];
// get here OK
console.log(`item = ${JSON.stringify(item)}`)
return item;
// never get here
console.log(`result = ${JSON.stringify(result)}`)
What am I missing? Or the bigger question is, am I even approaching this correctly? Seems like a lot of running around to get a document...
Thanks for the help!
You need to change your code to
var colRef: AngularFirestoreCollection<MyType>;
var obs$: Observable<MyType[]>;
colRef = this.afs.collection<MyType>('myCollection', ref => {
return ref.where('myField', '==', 'myValue');
obs$ = colRef.valueChanges();
obs$.subscribe((x: MyType[]) =>
Pay attention this is an async
operation, you are treating it as a sync