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Winforms Control Bound To DataRowView Changes Row Values But Not RowState

A simple WinForms app to learn about control data binding. Code below from a Form named frmMain and containing TextBoxes txtFirstName and txtLastName, and a numeric up/down named nudRow. Editing the text in the text boxes and changing the row, I notice the previous DataRow has values changed in the 'proposed' row version (eg _Tbl.Rows[3][1, DataRowVersion.Proposed]), but the RowState is still 'Unchanged'. What am I missing that would make 'proposed' become 'current' and change the RowState? The commented out 'DataSourceUpdateMode' didn't make any difference.

I'm also pretty fuzzy on why I need to keep resetting the TextBox DataBindings instead of just setting the DataRowView (_CurRow) in the numeric up/down value changed event.

EDIT: I thought I was pretty clear that my question was: Why didn't the RowState change? Additionally, is there a standard pattern (validation or something) typically used to process the 'proposed' value and change the RowState? As an aside, I was wondering why I had to rebuild the data binding instead of just changing the value of the thing that's already bound, but maybe that needs to be a separate question.

EDIT2: After looking at some documentation on DataRowVersion.Proposed, it looks like I should add code something like below to my numeric up/down value changed event. Unfortunately, I can't answer my own question while the post is on hold...

if (_CurRow.Row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed))
  // Do validation stuff then

Personally, I would validate each user input in the form input control, but I am now aware that even reverting original values in the controls would create a proposed version in the DataRow.

private DataRowView _CurRow = null;
private DataTable _Tbl = null;

private const string COL_NAME_ROW = "Row No.";
private const string COL_NAME_FIRST = "First Name";
private const string COL_NAME_LAST = "Last Name";

public frmMain()
  DataRow dr;

  _Tbl = new DataTable();
  _Tbl.Columns.Add(COL_NAME_ROW, typeof(int));
  _Tbl.Columns.Add(COL_NAME_FIRST, typeof(string));
  _Tbl.Columns.Add(COL_NAME_LAST, typeof(string));
  dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
  dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 0;
  dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "Alan";
  dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Ladd";
  dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
  dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 1;
  dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "Boris";
  dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Yeltsin";
  dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
  dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 2;
  dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "Cab";
  dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Calloway";
  dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
  dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 3;
  dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "David";
  dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Letterman";


private void frmMain_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
  _CurRow = _Tbl.DefaultView[0];
  this.txtFirstName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_FIRST); //,
  //false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
  this.txtLastName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_LAST); //,
  //false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
  //this.nudRow.DataBindings.Add("Value", _Tbl, COL_NAME_ROW);

private void nudRow_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // Previous row has modified (proposed) data here, but unchanged RowState
  _CurRow = _Tbl.DefaultView[(int)this.nudRow.Value];
  this.txtFirstName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_FIRST); //,
    //false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
  this.txtLastName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_LAST); //,
  //false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);



  • Editing the bound control causes a BeginEdit on the DataRow which should be closed with either an EndEdit or a CancelEdit. The code below is modified with one possible solution.

    private DataRowView _CurRow = null;
    private DataTable _Tbl = null;
    private const string COL_NAME_ROW = "Row No.";
    private const string COL_NAME_FIRST = "First Name";
    private const string COL_NAME_LAST = "Last Name";
    public frmMain()
      DataRow dr;
      _Tbl = new DataTable();
      _Tbl.Columns.Add(COL_NAME_ROW, typeof(int));
      _Tbl.Columns.Add(COL_NAME_FIRST, typeof(string));
      _Tbl.Columns.Add(COL_NAME_LAST, typeof(string));
      dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
      dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 0;
      dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "Alan";
      dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Ladd";
      dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
      dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 1;
      dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "Boris";
      dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Yeltsin";
      dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
      dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 2;
      dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "Cab";
      dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Calloway";
      dr = _Tbl.NewRow();
      dr[COL_NAME_ROW] = 3;
      dr[COL_NAME_FIRST] = "David";
      dr[COL_NAME_LAST] = "Letterman";
    private void frmMain_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
      _CurRow = _Tbl.DefaultView[0];
      this.txtFirstName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_FIRST); //,
      //false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
      this.txtLastName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_LAST); //,
      //false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
      //this.nudRow.DataBindings.Add("Value", _Tbl, COL_NAME_ROW);
    private void nudRow_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      bool? hasChanged = null;
      // Previous row has modified (proposed) data here, but unchanged
      // RowState. Need to end or cancel the BeginEdit caused by
      // editing the bound control in order to update the RowState to
      // Modified and push Proposed value to Current (EndEdit) or
      // leave the RowState Unchanged (CancelEdit)
      hasChanged = this.RowHasChanged(_CurRow.Row);
      if (!hasChanged.HasValue)
        // Didn't have proposed version so no-op
      else if (hasChanged.Value)
      _CurRow = _Tbl.DefaultView[(int)this.nudRow.Value];
      this.txtFirstName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_FIRST);
      this.txtLastName.DataBindings.Add("Text", _CurRow, COL_NAME_LAST);
    // This is necessary because reverting values still causes
    // row to have proposed version, but isn't a true change
    private bool RowHasChanged(DataRow DataRowObj)
      bool retVal = false;
      if (!DataRowObj.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed)) return retVal;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < _CurRow.Row.ItemArray.Length; ii++)
        if (!object.Equals(
                _CurRow.Row[ii, DataRowVersion.Current],
                _CurRow.Row[ii, DataRowVersion.Proposed]))
          retVal = true;
      if (!retVal.HasValue) retVal = false;
      return retVal;