I'm completely new to Wix tools so I have no idea how to change this. I used Wix Toolset from a Visual Studio 2017 Extension to build a .msi file out of my C# project. The msi file is generated but the problem is I can change the properties of the file (Such as Title, Comments, Authors, etc.). The manufacturer attribute does not appear on details too. I have looked at the documentation and tried like adding 'ReadOnly' attribute on the Package element but it does nothing.
How do I disable edit on the msi file properties?
Product.wxs (Product element):
<Product Id="*" Name="Program Name" Language="1033" Version="!(bind.FileVersion.ProgramDLL)" Manufacturer="Company Name" UpgradeCode="random GUID">
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Description="$(var.ProductName) Setup" Comments="$(var.ProductName) is a product of Company Name" Manufacturer="Company Name" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" />
<MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes"/>
<UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal"/>
<WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="Programname.License.rtf" />
<WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="Banner.bmp" />
<WixVariable Id="WixUIDialogBmp" Value="Welcome.bmp" />
<Icon Id="icon.ico" SourceFile="icon.ico"/>
<Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="icon.ico" />
<MajorUpgrade AllowSameVersionUpgrades='yes' Schedule="afterInstallInitialize" DowngradeErrorMessage="A later version of $(var.ProductName) is already installed. Setup will now exit." />
<RegistrySearch Id='R_InstallDir' Root='HKLM' Key='SOFTWARE\Program\ProgramName' Name='InstallDir' Type='raw' />
<Condition Message="Install Folder of Program Name not found">INSTALLFOLDER</Condition>
<Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="Program_Setup" Level="1">
<ComponentRef Id="Cmp" />
<ComponentRef Id="License" />
<ComponentRef Id="DokuXSD" />
Corporate Advantages of MSI: A key aspect of MSI - possibly one of the most important things that has given it corporate approval and use - is the fact that MSI is an open format. There are several other such key corporate advantages for MSI centering around transparency
, customizability
, reliable silent running
and remote management
The Open MSI File Format: I have this answer from before on the subject: How to protect MSI against modification. I am not sure if it is a 100% match to what you are asking, but maybe give it a quick read.
MST - Transforms: MSI (Windows Installer) has a feature called transforms (*.mst
files) which is a built-in way to modify your MSI using an external file to do so - hence allowing corporate adaptation of your MSI without changing the actual MSI. In other words: users are intended to be able to customize your MSI for corporate use (using a dedicated, additional file).
In Summary: Don't worry that the fields can be changed, but consider signing your MSI with your own certificate to prevent your release files being tampered with in transit to your customer. Also: crucially do check your setup for malware and maybe update your license agreement to include a phrase that the setup was malware checked at the time of release, and that it is malware free "to the best of your knowledge"
. The legalese
here is not my expertise. Do check well as signing a setup that contains malware is proof positive that you delivered the malware :-) (until people hack signatures successfully too).