I am trying to update existing xlsm
file depending on dataframe
values rows
by informing the columns I want to update in the excl file by using this code of pandas
frm_mwfy_to_te_col = pd.read_excel(r'' + mydir + 'Governance_Tracker - Copy - Copy.xlsm',
usecols=['Pending ', 'Pending Status'], header=1, axis=1)
and this is the part of my code which I have error there
for index, row in filtered_data_cond1['SiteCode'].items():
for col, _ in frm_mwfy_to_te_col.items(): ws.cell(row=index + 3,
column=int(col)).value = 'Value1', 'Value2'
as the filtered_data_cond1['SiteCode']
is the rows I want to update
filtered_data_cond1 = all_data.loc[all_data['SiteCode'].str.contains('|'.join(frm_mwfy_to_te.Subject))]
and this is my all_data
all_data = pd.read_excel(r'' + mydir + 'Governance_Tracker - Copy - Copy.xlsm'
, header=1).drop(['#'], axis=1)
and I found this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/DELL/PycharmProjects/MyALLRefProf/MyExp.py", line 54, in <module>
column=int(col).isnull()).value = 'Value1', 'Value2' # example
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Pending
The error is that the columns in your frm_mwfy_to_te_col
dataframe are (from what I can gather) called 'Pending '
and 'Pending Status'
. When you try int(col)
in that line of code, you are attempting to cast the string 'Pending '
to an int
, which can't be done.
Possibly try renaming the columns as integers. Or, even better, rework your logic to allow for the column names to be strings in a more pythonic way.
Try changing your problem section of code to:
for index, row in filtered_data_cond1['SiteCode'].items():
for col_num in range(len(frm_mwfy_to_te_col.columns)):
ws.cell(row=index + 3, column=col_num + 1).value = 'Value1', 'Value2'