I have the computed field x_totalunity
which depends on the fields product_uom_qty
and x_unitparcarton
What I want is to be able to write also any value in x_totalunity
and that product_uom_qty
changes due to this (product_uom_qty = x_totalunity / x_unitparcarton
). But this does not work.
This is my code :
@api.depends('product_uom_qty', 'discount', 'price_unit', 'tax_id',
'x_unitparcarton' )
def _compute_amount(self):
compute the amounts of the SO line.
for line in self:
line.x_totalunity = line.product_uom_qty * line.x_unitparcarton
x_totalunity = fields.Float(compute='_compute_amount', string='Total unitéé',
readonly=False, store=True , required=True, copy=True)
First, remove discount
, price_unit
and tax_id
from the @api.depends
, as they seem to have no relevance in the computation of x_totalunity
Then, I think you are looking for the parameter inverse
, to perform some actions in case someone is modifying the computed field by hand:
@api.depends('product_uom_qty', 'x_unitparcarton')
def _compute_x_totalunity(self):
"""Compute the amounts of the SO line."""
for line in self:
line.x_totalunity = line.product_uom_qty * line.x_unitparcarton
def _inverse_x_totalunity(self):
for line in self:
line.product_uom_qty = line.x_totalunity / line.x_unitparcarton
x_totalunity = fields.Float(
string='Total unitéé',