I'm new on python and odoo so excuse me for any dumb question
when I see a table inside any page, and I want to change the columns of it, maybe remove the (name) column and add (passport No) column ..etc how can I do that?
this is the table that I mean
I've clicked on the "bug" icon (developer Tools) and chooses (Edit View: Form) option
this is what I got
so now I'm sure that
<field name="slip_ids"/>
is being converted to print the table.
so I've searched on this field name in the python file and I saw it's One2Many field
slip_ids = fields.One2many('hr.payslip', 'payslip_run_id', string='Payslips', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]})
also I've searched for "payslip_run_id" and this is what I got
payslip_run_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payslip.run', string='Payslip Batches', readonly=True, copy=False, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]})
please help me, where I can find the code that tells (slip_ids) field to print the table with those specific columns ? because I need to add other columns and remove some of the current
if there is anything that needs to be shared as well please let me know
thanks in advance
If inside One2many field, there is not any tree view defined that default it will take tree view which is available for that model.
So in your case it will take tree which is available for hr.payslip.
it can be hr_payroll.view_hr_payslip_tree
this, if there is not any other tree view created.