Good day,
I would like to know how to protect my website from ajax-spam. I'm looking to limit any ajax action per users. Let's say 8 ajax-actions per minute.
An example of an action would be: a button to add/remove a blog posts "as my favorites".
Unless I'm wrong, I believe the best way would be using $_SESSION
's variable and to avoid someone/a bot to clear
cookies to avoid my protection. I'm allowing ajax-functions only to logged-on users.
Using database would make my protection useless because it's the unwanted database's writes I'm trying to avoid.
I have to mention that I actually use PHP as server-language and jQuery to proceeds my ajax calls.
Thank you
The sentense
... to protect my website ...
is confusing but it's not about cross-domain ajax.
Edit 2011-04-20: I added a bounty of 50 to it.
Since you're only allowing AJAX actions to logged in users, this is really simple to solve.
From there you can add additional magic, like tempbanning accounts that flagrantly violate the speed limit, or comparing the IPs of violators against blacklists of known spammers, et cetera.