I am building a Xaringan deck for a short course on R. I need students to learn the character sequences for assignment <-
and relational operators like !=
However, knitting to slides replaces several character sequences with more elegant display characters. For example, <-
becomes a left-pointing arrow (←).
Can I preserve the original characters in slide output?
I still get the replacement inside single backticks (`) for code formatting and even inside R code chunks (```). Escaping the characters with \ does not help.
# Two ways to save variables to memory
R has two ways to assign variables: `=` and `<-`.
The following expressions are equivalent:
`turnout_rate = .598` and `turnout_rate <- .598`
When knit to slides, all <-
above are replaced with a left arrow (←) . I would like to keep the original characters <-
Thanks in advance for your help!
You probably have a CSS style sheet in place that calls for a font like Fira Code where <-
is rendered as a ligature. You can test this by using Right Click -> Inspect Element
in the preview/browser.
You can change the used font via some custom CSS code, e.g.:
.remark-code, .remark-inline-code {
font-family: 'Fira Mono', 'Source Code Pro', monospace;
You have to specify the custom CSS file in the YAML header, e.g. for the default
theme and a file named custom.css
css: ["default", "custom.css"]