I'm reading a large HTML file using XML::LibXML
When constructing a pattern like this:
It gives the following error:
Compilation of pattern failed at /Users/chris/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.3/lib/site_perl/5.31.3/darwin-2level/XML/LibXML.pm line 2138.
But this one is working fine:
I'm not sure if the [@class="entry"]
part is not supported by XML::LibXML::Pattern
or I'm just doing it wrong.
Any information is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
While a valid XPath, that isn't a valid Pattern.
Patterns are a small subset of XPath language, which is limited to (disjunctions of) location paths involving the child and descendant axes in abbreviated form as described by the extended BNF given below:
Selector ::= Path ( '|' Path )* Path ::= ('.//' | '//' | '/' )? Step ( '/' Step )* Step ::= '.' | NameTest NameTest ::= QName | '*' | NCName ':' '*'
For readability, whitespace may be used in selector XPath expressions even though not explicitly allowed by the grammar: whitespace may be freely added within patterns before or after any token, where
token ::= '.' | '/' | '//' | '|' | NameTest
Note that no predicates or attribute tests are allowed.
(Emphasis mine.)