I'm using gnuplot for contour plot of a several function. This is for optimization problem. I have 3 functions:
both g1(x,y)
and g2(x,y)
are constraints and would like to plot on top of the contour plot of f(x,y)
Here is the textbook example:
Here is my attempt to replicate it in gnuplot, thanks to @theozh.
### contour lines with labels
reset session
g2(x,y) = 4*x+y
set xrange [0:6]
set yrange [0:6]
set isosample 250, 250
set key outside
set contour base
set cntrparam levels disc 10,30,75,150,300,500,850,1500
unset surface
set table $Contourf
splot f(x,y)
unset table
set contour base
set cntrparam levels disc 26
unset surface
set table $Contourg1
splot g1(x,y)
unset table
set contour base
set cntrparam levels disc 20
unset surface
set table $Contourg2
splot g2(x,y)
unset table
set style textbox opaque noborder
set datafile commentschar " "
plot for [i=1:8] $Contourf u 1:2:(i) skip 5 index i-1 w l lw 1.5 lc var title columnheader(5)
replot $Contourg1 u 1:2:(1) skip 5 index 0 w l lw 4 lc 0 title columnheader(5)
replot $Contourg2 u 1:2:(1) skip 5 index 0 w l lw 4 lc 0 title columnheader(5)
I would like to replicate the textbook picture in the gnuplot example. How to do a hatch mark on the functions g1
and g2
, the thick black line in plot above.
@theozh provided an excellent solution below. However, the method doesnot work for steep curves. As an example
reset session
unset key
set size square
g(x,y) = -0.8-1/x**3+y
set xrange [0:4]
set yrange [0:4]
set isosample 250, 250
set key off
set contour base
unset surface
set cntrparam levels disc 0
set table $Contourg
splot g(x,y)
unset table
set angle degree
set datafile commentschar " "
plot $Contourg u 1:2 skip 5 index 0 w l lw 2 lc 0 title columnheader(5)
set style fill transparent pattern 4
replot $Contourg u 1:2:($2+0.2) skip 5 index 0 w filledcurves lc 0 notitle
yields the following figure. Is there a way to use different offsets, for example offset x values for x < 1.3 and for x > 1.3 offset y values. This would yield a much better filled curve. A matlab implementations of what I was looking for can be found here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29121-hatched-lines-and-contours.
In replcating @Ethans program, I get the following, the dashtype is relatively thick compared to @Ethan not sure why, I'm using gnuplot v5.2 and wxt terminal.
When I replicate @theozh code, it works very well except for closed contours, not sure why? see below for example:
g1(x,y)= x*y/2+(x+2)**2+(y-2)**2/2-2
set xrange [-7:7]
set yrange [-7:7]
set isosample 250, 250
set key outside
set contour base
unset surface
set cntrparam levels disc 4,3.5,3,2.5,2,1.5,1,0.5,0
set table $Contourf
splot f(x,y)
unset table
set cntrparam levels disc 0
set table $Contourg1
splot g1(x,y)
unset table
# create some extra offset contour lines
# macro for setting contour lines
ContourCreate = '\
set cntrparam levels disc Level; \
set table @Output; \
splot @Input; \
unset table'
Level = 0.45
Input = 'g1(x,y)'
Output = '$Contourg1_ext'
# Macro for ordering the datapoints of the contour lines which might be split
ContourOrder = '\
stats @DataIn skip 6 nooutput; \
N = STATS_blank-1; \
set table @DataOut; \
do for [i=N:0:-1] { plot @DataIn u 1:2 skip 5 index 0 every :::i::i with table }; \
unset table'
DataIn = '$Contourg1'
DataOut = '$Contourg1_ord'
DataIn = '$Contourg1_ext'
DataOut = '$Contourg1_extord'
# Macro for reversing a datablock
ContourReverse = '\
set print @DataOut; \
do for [i=|@DataIn|:1:-1] { print @DataIn[i]}; \
set print'
DataIn = '$Contourg1_extord'
DataOut = '$Contourg1_extordrev'
# Macro for adding datablocks
ContourAdd = '\
set print @DataOut; \
do for [i=|@DataIn1|:1:-1] { print @DataIn1[i]}; \
do for [i=|@DataIn2|:1:-1] { print @DataIn2[i]}; \
set print'
DataIn1 = '$Contourg1_ord'
DataIn2 = '$Contourg1_extordrev'
DataOut = '$Contourg1_add'
set style fill noborder
set datafile commentschar " "
plot \
for [i=1:8] $Contourf u 1:2:(i) skip 5 index i-1 w l lw 1.5 lc var title columnheader(5), \
$Contourg1 u 1:2 skip 5 index 0 w l lw 2 lc 0 title columnheader(5), \
$Contourg1_add u 1:2 w filledcurves fs transparent pattern 5 lc rgb "black" notitle
Here is the solution you (and I) were hoping for.
You just enter the hatch parameters into a datablock: TiltAngle
in degrees (>0°: left side, <0° right side in direction of path), HatchLength
and HatchGap
in pixels. The procedure has become a bit lengthy but it does what you want. I have tested it with gnuplot 5.2.8 and 5.4.1 and wxt
and qt
What the procedure basically does:
Edit: (completely revised version)
The previous script (to my opinion) was pretty messy and difficult to follow (although nobody complained ;-). I removed the calls to subprocedures and hence the prefixes for variables in the subprocedures and put all in one script, except the test data generation.
Have fun with hatching your lines! Comments and improvements are welcome!
Test data generation: SO57118566_createTestData.gp
### Create some circle test data
FILE = "SO57118566.dat"
set angle degrees
# create some test data
# x y r a0 a1 N
$myCircleParams <<EOD
1.0 0.3 0.6 0 360 120
2.4 0.3 0.6 0 360 120
3.8 0.3 0.6 0 360 120
1.7 -0.3 0.6 0 360 120
3.1 -0.3 0.6 0 360 120
X(n) = real(word($myCircleParams[n],1)) # center x
Y(n) = real(word($myCircleParams[n],2)) # center y
R(n) = real(word($myCircleParams[n],3)) # radius
A0(n) = real(word($myCircleParams[n],4)) # start angle
A1(n) = real(word($myCircleParams[n],5)) # end angle
N(n) = int(word($myCircleParams[n],6)) # number of samples
set table FILE
do for [i=1:|$myCircleParams|] {
set samples N(i)
plot [A0(i):A1(i)] '+' u (X(i)+R(i)*cos($1)):(Y(i)+R(i)*sin($1))
unset table
set size ratio -1
plot FILE u 1:2:-2 w l lc var
### end of script
Strange enough, the previous version worked for gnuplot5.2.0 to 5.2.7 but not for gnuplot>=5.2.8. With this current script it is vice versa, but I haven't yet found out why.
Finally found why it wasn't working with <=5.2.7. Apparently something with the scaling which has changed between 5.2.7 and 5.2.8. Other terminals than wxt
or qt
might have different scaling factors.
You need to add/change the lines (already added in the script below):
Factor = GPVAL_VERSION==5.2 && int(GPVAL_PATCHLEVEL)<=7 ? \
GPVAL_TERM eq "wxt" ? 20 : GPVAL_TERM eq "qt" ? 10 : 1 : 1
Rxaupu = (GPVAL_X_MAX-xmin)/(GPVAL_TERM_XMAX-xtmin)*Factor # x ratio axes units to pixel units
Ryaupu = (GPVAL_Y_MAX-ymin)/(GPVAL_TERM_YMAX-ytmin)*Factor # y
Script: (tested with gnuplot 5.2.0, 5.2.7, 5.2.8, 5.4.1)
### Add hatch pattern to a curve
reset session
FILE = "SO57118566.dat"
set size ratio -1 # set same x,y scaling
set angle degree
unset key
# plot path without hatch lines to get the proper gnuplot variables: GPVAL_...
plot FILE u 1:2:-2 w l lc var
# Hatch parameters:
# TiltAngle >0°: left side, <0° right side in direction of path
# HatchLength hatch line length in pixels
# HatchGap separation of hatch lines in pixels
# TA HL HG Color
$myHatchParams <<EOD
-90 10 5 0x0080ff
-30 15 10 0x000000
90 5 3 0xff0000
45 25 12 0xffff00
-60 10 7 0x00c000
# extract hatch parameters
TA(n) = real(word($myHatchParams[n],1)) # TiltAngle
HL(n) = real(word($myHatchParams[n],2)) # HatchLength
Gpx(n) = real(word($myHatchParams[n],3)) # HatchGap in pixels
Color(n) = int(word($myHatchParams[n],4)) # Color
# terminal constants
xmin = GPVAL_X_MIN
ymin = GPVAL_Y_MIN
Factor = GPVAL_VERSION==5.2 && int(GPVAL_PATCHLEVEL)<=7 ? \
GPVAL_TERM eq "wxt" ? 20 : GPVAL_TERM eq "qt" ? 10 : 1 : 1
Rxaupu = (GPVAL_X_MAX-xmin)/(GPVAL_TERM_XMAX-xtmin)*Factor # x ratio axes units to pixel units
Ryaupu = (GPVAL_Y_MAX-ymin)/(GPVAL_TERM_YMAX-ytmin)*Factor # y
Angle(dx,dy) = dx==0 && dy==0 ? NaN : atan2(dy,dx) # -180° to +180°, NaN if dx,dy==0
LP(dx,dy) = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) # length of path segment
ax2px(x) = (x-xmin)/Rxaupu + xtmin # x axes coordinates to pixel coordinates
ay2py(y) = (y-ymin)/Rxaupu + ytmin # y
px2ax(x) = (x-xtmin)*Rxaupu + xmin # x pixel coordinates to axes coordinates
py2ay(y) = (y-ytmin)*Rxaupu + ymin # y
# create datablock $Path with pixel coordinates and cumulated path length
stats FILE u 0 nooutput # get number of blocks of input file
N = STATS_blocks
set table $Path
do for [i=0:N-1] {
x1 = y1 = NaN
Length = 0
plot FILE u (x0=x1, x1=ax2px($1)):(y0=y1, y1=ay2py($2)): \
(dx=x1-x0, dy=y1-y0, ($0>0?Length=Length+LP(dx,dy):Length)) index i w table
plot '+' u ('') every ::0::1 w table # two empty lines
unset table
# create hatch lines table
# resample data in equidistant steps along the length of the path
$Temp <<EOD # datablock $Temp definition required for function definition below
x0(n) = real(word($Temp[n],1)) # x coordinate
y0(n) = real(word($Temp[n],2)) # y coordinate
r0(n) = real(word($Temp[n],3)) # cumulated path length
ap(n) = Angle(x0(n+1)-x0(n),y0(n+1)-y0(n)) # path angle
ah(n,i) = ap(n)+TA(i+1) # hatch line angle
Frac(n) = (ri-r0(n))/(r0(n+1)-r0(n)) # interpolation along
hsx(n) = (x0(n) + Frac(n)*(x0(n+1)-x0(n))) # x hatch line start point
hsy(n) = (y0(n) + Frac(n)*(y0(n+1)-y0(n))) # y
hex(n,i) = (hsx(n) + HL(i+1)*cos(ah(n,i))) # x hatch line end point
hey(n,i) = (hsy(n) + HL(i+1)*sin(ah(n,i))) # y
# create datblock with hatchlines x,y,dx,dy
set print $HatchLines
do for [i=0:N-1] {
set table $Temp
splot $Path u 1:2:3 index i
unset table
ri = -Gpx(i+1)
do for [j=1:|$Temp|-2] {
if (strlen($Temp[j])==0 || $Temp[j][1:1] eq '#') {print $Temp[j]}
else {
while (ri<r0(j)) {
ri = ri + Gpx(i+1)
print sprintf("%g %g %g %g", \
xs=px2ax(hsx(j)), ys=py2ay(hsy(j)), \
px2ax(hex(j,i))-xs, py2ay(hey(j,i))-ys)
print ""; print "" # two empty lines
set print
plot $Path u (px2ax($1)):(py2ay($2)):(Color(column(-2)+1)) w l lc rgb var, \
$HatchLines u 1:2:3:4:(Color(column(-2)+1)) w vec nohead lc rgb var
### end of script