I'm developing a simple Dispatch Bot, I only have a basic structure now to chose between QnA or LUIS models but when I test it in the Bot Framework Emulator, the AdapterWithErrorHandler
catches and error and i get no response from LUIS neither QnA.
everytime i send a message.
I checked the appsettings.json
and everything seems to be fine. I want to point out when I created the LUIS App a default key was given to me, and later on i linked it with the Cognitive Resource i have in Azure and a second key was given. Which one do I need to use?
I got everything hosted in the West Europe server except the QnAMaker resource (which I haven't read anywhere this should cause any problem).
This is the Emulator Log window, as you can see the problem doesn't occur until I send a message. It looks like it connects properly but then can't find the hosts. The message displayed is from the Adapter that catches de exception.
Update: that might be relevant to the problem, whenever I try to open my csproj file to see its contents this message is displayed:
catastrophic error hresult 0x8000ffff (e_unexpected))
I am not sure about the error you encountered and I have not met this error on my side.
But I run NLP DispatchBot sample on my side successfully , with the steps below , maybe will helpful for you :
and this is the party content of my QnA maker :
If you have anything unclear , pls feel free to let me know.