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Coq: Proving simple theorem using Fixpoints and Induction

I am learning to use Coq right now and I have stumbled on a theorem I can't seem to prove. Below is the theorem and my current attempt.

  Fixpoint nateq (n m : nat) : bool :=
    match n with
      | O => match m with
              | O => true
              | S _ => false
      | S n' => match m with
                 | O => false
                 | S m' => nateq n' m'

  Theorem nateq_is_eq : ∀ n m : nat, nateq n m = true → n = m.

My attempt

  Theorem nateq_is_eq : ∀ n m : nat, nateq n m = true → n = m.
    intros n m H.
    induction n as [| n' IHn'].
    - induction m as [| m' IHm'].
      + reflexivity.
      + inversion H.
    - induction m as [| m' IHm'].
      + inversion H.

My problem is in the final inductive step. The current state of my subgoals says the following:

1 subgoal
n', m' : nat
H : nateq (S n') (S m') = true
IHn' : nateq n' (S m') = true → n' = S m'
IHm' : nateq (S n') m' = true → (nateq n' m' = true → n' = m') → S n' = m'
S n' = S m'

This all seems a bit convoluted. I would really appreciate any advice in the right direction.


  • Your induction hypothesis on n' is not general enough: to get the proof to go through, it needs to work for arbitrary m. The generalize dependent tactic can be used to solve this problem:

    Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
    Fixpoint nateq (n m : nat) : bool :=
        match n with
          | O => match m with
                  | O => true
                  | S _ => false
          | S n' => match m with
                     | O => false
                     | S m' => nateq n' m'
    Theorem nateq_is_eq : ∀ n m : nat, nateq n m = true → n = m.
    intros n m H.
    generalize dependent m.
    induction n as [|n IH].
    - destruct m; easy.
    - destruct m as [|m]; try easy.
      simpl. intros H. specialize (IH _ H). congruence.

    In this case, you can avoid the problem altogether simply by leaving m on the context:

    Theorem nateq_is_eq' : ∀ n m : nat, nateq n m = true → n = m.
    intros n. induction n as [|n IH].
    - destruct m; easy.
    - destruct m as [|m]; try easy.
      simpl. intros H. specialize (IH _ H). congruence.

    The Software Foundations book has a more detailed explanation on the generalize dependent tactic.