I have tried to download several times Xcode beta version which should be Xcode 11 beta 7 with iOS 13.1 beta support. I am downloading it from this link: https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Xcode_11_Beta_7/Xcode_11_Beta_7.xip
Also, when unpacking, it's obviously saying that it's unpacking Xcode 11 beta 7:
But after unpacking it (on 27th of August around 23:05), I am seeing following:
And when I start Xcode I see this:
Any ideas what might be happening?
Thanks in advance for any kind of answer.
My educated guess is that they just forgot to update the name. Note that the About box says the build is 11M392r, which is what the download site says you're getting. By the way, the beta 6 I have is 11M392q.