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React Navigation multiple stack configs

I have a DrawerNavigator with mutiple pages in it, each of these pages are their own StackNavigator, that means I have a stack config for each stack. e.g.

export const Stacker1 = createStackNavigator({
  Stacker1FirstPage: {
    screen: Stacker1FirstPage,
    navigationOptions: {
      headerTitle: "Stacker1FirstPage",
  headerLayoutPreset: "center",
  headerMode: "float",
  defaultNavigationOptions: {
    headerTintColor: "#fff",
    headerLayoutPreset: "center",
    headerStyle: {
      backgroundColor: "#333",
    headerTitleStyle: {
      fontSize: 18

I have one of those for each page in my drawer.

All of those stack configs are the same. Is there a way to pass that stack config only once in my code?


  • Put your common config in a file and then import and use where needed.

    Yes, as far as I know, for every stack you have to define your custom configuration.

    // defaultStackConfig.js
    export const defaultConfig = {
      headerLayoutPreset: "center",
      headerMode: "float",
      defaultNavigationOptions: {
        headerTintColor: "#fff",
        headerLayoutPreset: "center",
        headerStyle: {
          backgroundColor: "#333",
        headerTitleStyle: {
          fontSize: 18
    // Stack1.js
    import {defaultConfig} from './defaultConfig'
    export const Stacker1 = createStackNavigator({
      Stacker1FirstPage: {
        screen: Stacker1FirstPage,
        navigationOptions: {
          headerTitle: "Stacker1FirstPage",
    }, defaultConfig)
    // or with some custom mode
    export const Stacker1 = createStackNavigator({
      Stacker1FirstPage: {
        screen: Stacker1FirstPage,
        navigationOptions: {
          headerTitle: "Stacker1FirstPage",
    }, { ...defaultConfig, ...{ headerMode: "float" })