I'm using pyad 0.5.20 to do many operations on active directories which user can specify their connection details for example:
pyad.set_defaults(ldap_server="my.server", username=myusername, password=xxx,ssl=False,ldap_port=123)
And then i can for example retrieve a group by it's name:
group = pyad.adgroup.ADGroup.from_cn(groupname)
my problem is with the pyad.adquery.ADQuery() when i'm trying to use it after specifying connection details i got an error
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_defaults'
And here is the full code:
import pythoncom
import pyad.adquery
ad = Auth_Type_Config.query.filter_by(auth_type_id=2).first()
if ad:
pyad.set_defaults(ldap_server=ad.host, username=ad.username,
password=ad.password, ssl=ad.is_ssl,
return jsonify({'msg': 'You must configure the authentication method for LDAP.'
, 'status': 'error'})
q = pyad.adquery.ADQuery()
where_clause = "SamAccountName = '{}'"
for (index, item) in enumerate(usernames, start=1):
if index == 1:
where_clause += " or SamAccountName = '{}'"
q.execute_query(attributes=['distinguishedName', 'mail', 'name',
rows = []
for row in q.get_results():
user = (rows[0] if len(rows) > 0 else None)
return rows
I guess that's a little late, but the correct function seems to be pyad.pyad_setdefaults and not pyad.set_defaults