Our workitems are currently linked with their commits, PR and builds they are integrated in. Now we would like to know if a PBI or Bug is already deployed and if so, to which environment.
When we click on a specific Release, we can already see all the work (bugs/pbi/tasks) that have been done in this release. But we would like to see that from the other side, coming from the workitem....
Is there any way to achieve this?
Ok I figured it out.
Our workitems are already linked to builds and releases. That was never a problem.
The Development section on the detail page is just not showing up that link type. Only linked builds, commits and pull requests. If I navigate to Links, then I'm able see all available link types, including "integrated in release environment":
With sprint 158 Update of Azure DevOps, the preview of the new Deployment control on the work item form has been introduced:
This control links your work items to a release and enables you to easily track where your work item has been deployed. To learn more see the documentation here