there is a task where i have to enter names and at the end print how many different characters and how many repeats.
'Your program should read in multiple lines of input, until a blank line is entered. Then it should print out how many unique characters were named, and how many were repeated.'
This was my result:
Character: The doctor
Character: Rose
Character: Rory
Character: Clara
Character: K-9
Character: The Master
Character: The Doctor
Character: Amy
You named 8 character(s)
You repeated 1 time(s)
This was my code:
count = []
country = input('Character: ')
a = country.count(country)
b = 0
c = 0
while country:
country = input('Character: ')
if a == country:
b = b + 1
c = c + 1
c = c - b
print('You named',c,'character(s)')
print('You repeated',a,'time(s)')
Supposed to say:
Character: The Doctor
Character: Rose
Character: Rory
Character: Clara
Character: K-9
Character: The Master
Character: The Doctor
Character: Amy
You named 7 character(s).
You repeated 1 time(s).
country = input('Character: ')
a = country.count(country)
b = 0
c = 0
while country:
country = input('Character: ')
if country in count:
b = b + 1
c = c + 1
print('You named',c,'character(s)')
print('You repeated',b,'time(s)')
Character: "AA"
Character: "BB"
Character: "CC"
Character: "BB"
Character: ""
('You named', 3, 'character(s)')
('You repeated', 1, 'time(s)')
Key changes:
if country in count: //changed
c = c - b //removed
print('You named',c,'character(s)') //changed
print('You repeated',b,'time(s)') //changed