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How to get cell value after clicking on datagrid row

I have a C# WPF DataGrid to list information about documents (e.g. invoices). The user is able to select one row in the Datagrid. After double-clicking the row I need to access a specific cell value (docId).

Unfortunately I don't know how to access the correct datarow behind the selected datagrid row.

I can access following values from my grid:



selected Value is not the answer to my problem because the user ist clicking any row, not always the correct column.

        // Create a new DataTable.    
        DataTable custTable = new DataTable("Customers");

        // Create docId column 
            dtColumn = new DataColumn();
            dtColumn.DataType = typeof(string);
            dtColumn.ColumnName = "docId";

        // Create createDate column 
            dtColumn = new DataColumn();
            dtColumn.DataType = typeof(string);
            dtColumn.ColumnName = "createDate";

        dtSet = new DataSet();

        foreach (var doc in docs)
            myDataRow = custTable.NewRow();
            foreach (var attribute in ecoDmsAttributes)
                myDataRow["docId"] = "123"
                myDataRow["createDate"] = "2019-08-27"

        dataGrid_docs.ItemsSource = custTable.DefaultView;

    private void DataGrid_docs_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        DataRowView docid = dataGrid_docs.SelectedItem;

        txt_Debug.Text = "Clicked on docId: " + docid.ToString();


  • you can retrive values from DataRowView by column name, e.g. dataRowView["docId"]

    private void DataGrid_docs_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        DataRowView dataRowView = (DataRowView)dataGrid_docs.SelectedItem;
        txt_Debug.Text = "Clicked on docId: " + dataRowView["docId"];